swing - How can I create a bar in the bottom of a Java app, like a status bar? -

I am in the process of creating a Java app and want to do it once in the bottom of the app, in which I have a text bar And display a status (progress) times.

Only I can not get control in NetBusiness, and I do not know the code to make it manually.

Create a Jeffrey or Zipel with a border layout, give it something like a line or line so that It is different from the rest of the content and then add the SOSL panel to the border layout. SOTH.

  JFrame frame = new JFrame (); Frame.setLayout (new border layout ()); Frame.setSize (200, 200); // Create Status Bar Panel and push it under the frame JPNal positionPanel = new JPNL (); StatusPanel.setBorder (new BevelBorder (BevelBorder.LOWERED)); Frame.add (status panel, border layout. SOTH); StatusPanel.setPreferredSize (new dimension (frame.getWidth (), 16)); StatusPanel.setLayout (New BoxLayout (statusPanel, BoxLayout.X_AXIS)); Jellabell status label = new JLabel ("status"); StatusLabel.setHorizontalAlignment (SwingConstants.LEFT); StatusPanel.add (statusLabel); Frame.setVisible (true);  

Here is the result of the status bar code located above my machine:


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