cryptography - Is EAX crypto mode supported in the .NET framework? -
Do anyone know whether EADAD mode is supported or how to use it? Here's an overview:
I do not believe it is
and making matters worse For, eX-counter mode encryption and two building blocks of CMAC authentication code are not supported even by the standard .NET crypto library. At least, not included in CTR mode, and the only sub-classes for KeyedHashAlgorithm
(the name of the .NAC for Macs) are HMCAC and a TripleDS-based Mac (probably an old CBC-MAC, Which is not much but ISF near CAMA), it seems that you can not easily add EAF using existing components; You seem to have to apply everything from scratch.
The use of other modes (like CBC) in combination with a HMAC for message authentication may be better.
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