iphone - Show PDF in iPad using CGPDF APIs -
I have learned that Apple PDF has released CGPDF API in SDK 3.2 for reference reference.
What I think from these APIs is that you can drag the PDF into a data object or a PDF file. You can export it, perhaps in the sandbox directory or in the mail as an attachment.
But I'm not sure that we can use these APIs to read PDFs from the application bundle and display it on the user page-by-page on screen. I want to open a PDF of a magazine in a magazine reader app.
I was also wondering if we can identify the link in the PDF file and open them in the app.
Tell me what has happened or is doing anything like this.
Thanks aj
A PDF in API documentation (with quartz) load One way to do this: CGPDF Document is the object you need and CGPDFDocumentCreateWithURL is probably the constructor you are looking for.
Here are some examples on how to do this:
I have spent a lot of time on this - and it seems that you have to cater to those CATiledLayers Need to use!
There are some good examples on how to ...
I place a link / solution here as soon as I have something!
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