Ruby on Rails: Cucumber: how to reset the db after each scenario? -

So I am in my testing environment

Now, in the terminal, make Rake DB: Test: DB clears ... but when I run it with code

and I have this feature / support / env.rb:

  before working : Build_all [: debug, release]. T | $ Build_type = t rake :: Task ["db: test: prepare"]. Reenable rake :: Task ["db: test: ready"]. End end end  

but my

is in my database.yml

  test: adapter: mysql encoding: utf8 database : Projectname_test Username: Root password:  

Ive also tried

  db: test: purge  


  db: test: reset  

And I know that this is using my test db because i check my SQLWorkBrain , And it includes data in the table ... but it does not get removed When the data is done (I have to manually delete it) when the tables are empty, test case pass

You need the 'database_claner' to start

  'database_cleaner / cucumber' DatabaseCleaner.strategy =: truncation rescue nameError raise "if you want to use it , You need to add database_cleaner (test group) to your Gemfile. " Do the database cleaner before terminating. Scenario | DatabaseCleaner.clean termination  


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