flash - jQuery youtube dimming effect -
YouTube uses "turn off lights" feature on some pages.
Can be done in the same jQuery.
The example minimizes the background of the whole page, but the video player is at the top. Why is it like this?
And what is the easiest way to clear all the divs except for a video?
You cover this whole page by creating a "blanket", it has a black background, Semi-transparent, and all other page elements to set-up Z-index. Then you set the z-index of the video player to be more than the blanket div, so it will not be covered.
Something like this:
#blanket {status: complete; Width: 100%; Height: 100%; Top: 0; Left: 0; Z-index: 100; display none; Opacity: 0.5; / * This will need to use a filter rule to create this work in the IE * /} # video player {status: relative / * z-index does not work until it is not in sync * / z-index: 200; } JQuery ("# blanket"). Show ();
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