iPhone: cannot see any labels on my core plot graph -

I am creating a graph with the original plot, which works fine except that I'm on x and y No label is visible in Axis I can only see big and small ticks but they have no value. I'm missing something, but I do not know what that is. In addition, it is possible to add a label for each axis, for example: x (hours), y (value).

The graph I'm working on is part of the first line of a listview. / P>

The code is:

  NSArray * topLevelObjects = [[NSBundle main bundle] loadNibNamed: @ "GraphCustomViewCell" owner: zero option: zero]; (ID current object in TopLevelObjects) {if ([currentObject isKindOfClass: [GraphCustomViewCell class]]) {cell = (GraphCustomViewCell *) currentObject; break; }} CGRect frames = cell.contentView.bounds; CPLayerHostingView * Hosting View = [[CPLayerHostingView alloc] initWithFrame: frame]; [Cell ad sbewview: hosting view]; // Create Graph Thread Theme * Theme = [CP Theme Theme Named: kCPPlainWhiteTheme]; Graph = (CPXYGraph *) [Theme News Graph]; // Add a graph to see hosting - hiewedLayer = graph; Graph.paddingLeft = 50.0; Graph.paddingTop = 5.0; Graph.paddingRight = 5.0; Graph.paddingBottom = 25.0; // graph float xmx = adjust [[[auto arrayform data] objectForcae: @ "data"] count]; CPXYPlotSpace * plotSpace = (CPXY Plotspace *) graph.defaultPlotSpace; PlotSpace.xRange = [CPPlotRange Plot Range Merge Location: CPDecimalFromFloat (0) Length: CPDecimalFromFloat (xmax)]; PlotSpace.yRange = [CPPlotRange Plot Range Merge Location: CPDecimalFromFloat (0) Length: CPDecimalFromFloat (3000)]; CPTextStyle * blackText = [[CPTextStyle textStyle] Color: [CPColor blackColor]]; CPLineStyle * lineStyle = [CPLineStyle lineStyle]; LineStyle.lineColor = [CPColor blackColor]; LineStyle.lineWidth = 1.0f; AxisSet.xAxis.majorIntervalLength = [[NSDecimalNumber decimal groupwise string: @ "5"] decimal value]; AxisSet.xAxis.minorTicksPerInterval = 4; AxisSet.xAxis.majorTickLineStyle = lineStyle; AxisSet.xAxis.minorTickLineStyle = Line style; AxisSet.xAxis.axisLineStyle = lineStyle; AxisSet.xAxis.minorTickLength = 4.0f; AxisSet.xAxis.majorTickLength = 8.0f; AxisSet.xAxis.labelOffset = 3.0f; AxisSet.xAxis.labelTextStyle = blackText; AxisSet.yAxis.majorIntervalLength = [[NSDecimalNumber decimal assemblyWith string: @ "500"] decimal value]; AxisSet.yAxis.minorTicksPerInterval = 4; AxisSet.yAxis.majorTickLineStyle = lineStyle; AxisSet.yAxis.minorTickLineStyle = lineStyle; AxisSet.yAxis.axisLineStyle = lineStyle; AxisSet.yAxis.minorTickLength = 4.0f; AxisSet.yAxis.majorTickLength = 8.0f; AxisSet.yAxis.labelOffset = 1.0f; CPScissorPlot * DatasourceSourcelinePlot = [[[CPScatterPlot alloc] init] autorelease]; DataSourceLinePlot.identifier = @ "MyGraph"; DataSourceLinePlot.dataLineStyle.lineWidth = 1.f; DataSourceLinePlot.dataLineStyle.lineColor = [CPColor Green Color]; DataSourceLinePlot.dataSource = self; [Article Adplot: Datasourceline plot]; // CPColor * area = color = under the plot above a place shield; [converged with CPC color: 0.3 green: 1.0 blue: 0.3 alpha: 0.3]; CPGredient * ArialGradent = [CPGDient GradientVibigingColor: AERAAREINGING Color: [CPColar Clear Collar]]; AreaGradient.angle = -90.0f; Cipfill * fieldGradicFile = [fill the capillary viagrradent: areaGuente]; DataSourceLinePlot.areaFill = FieldFieldFill; DataSourceLinePlot.areaBaseValue = CPDecimalFromString (@ "1.75"); Thank you very much, Regards, Luke 

ps: Edit quickly, I have checked with graph. Name = "My Graph", but nothing is shown on the graph

Well, it was due to the fact that there were so many labels to display and because the axis too far in the negative area Can not go => No place to display the label, but graph.name does not display the name of the graph ...


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