c# - ideas on building a strongly typed class to manage URLS for asp.net mvc -

I want a strongly typed URL class whenever I need a URL to link, redirect, etc.

I do not like:

Redirect Taoactine ("Action", "Controller");

A site with a 50+ view means that any naming change is going to break the allocation of things.

I also want a user to freenly api so that I can:


How do I Can i get Is this possible? Take a look at

(part of MvcContrib). It provides you the typed helpers for tasks, controllers and ideas.

Excerpt from project document:

T4MVC is a T4 template for ASP.NET MVC applications that strongly supports typed helpers, tasks and ideas By eliminating the use of literal stars while referencing, it helps to maintain your MVCC code further, and gives you Intelligence where you do not normally have it.

Instead of:


You can type it:



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