linux - Is it possible to run php exec through cygwin? -

Hey guys, I have a php command command which works on my remote Linux server, but my windows (WAMP package) does not work on the local server. I really want to create a similar workstation so that I can test locally and then update my remote server. If someone has any suggestions or solutions other than converting to Linux, then I would appreciate it.

  & lt ;? Php $ safe_path = escapeshellarg ('fake-virus.txt'); $ Command = '/ usr / bin / clamscan --stdout' $ safe_path; $ Out = ''; $ Int = -1; Exec ($ command, $ out, $ int); $ Int echo; If ($ int == 0) {// All good; } Else {echo 'o'; // Virus ;; }? & Gt;  

I really want to create a similar workstation so that I am locally Please test and then update my remote server

This is the wrong way to install cygwin . Just use virtualbox , which you can get from , and a Ubuntu VM can run very easy (and good).


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