python - Model inheritance and RSS Feed framework -

I am using model succession to manage a model:

  Import the DB import model from Django Django.contrib.sites.models from django.contrib.auth.models Import the site from imagekit.models to import the user image imported datetime class entry (models.Model): date_pub = models.DateTimeField (default) = Datetime.datetime () = Model. URLField (blank = true) comments_allowed = models.BooleanField (default = true) class IKOptions: spec_module = 'journal.icon_specs' cache_dir = 'icon / resized' image_field =) via author = Models.For EignKey (user) 'icon' class post (entry): title = model.carfield (max_long = 200) description = model. TextField () Slug = Model. Slufffield (Exclusive = True) Def __unicode __ (self): Returns Self Title class photo (Entry): Alt = models.CharField (max_length = 200) Description = models.TextField (empty = true) Original = Model ImageField (upload_to = 'Photo /') def __unicode __ (self): return self class class coat (entry): blockquote = model. TextField () Quote = Model. TextField (empty = true) def __unicode __ (self): Returns the self   

A conditional template Entry.objects With a view based on all () :

is enough to render the right snippet of html
  {% "base.html"%} {% Block main%} & lt; Hr & gt; {%} To enter entries {%}, or something with [] {% endif%} {%} [...] Do something with the entry. Photo] {% Endif%} [... and similarly]  

Now I am trying to use the new feed framework that generates an RSS feed, but no luck without. The more-simplified settings of the structure do not specify the conditional item_title and item_description based on the entry of child objects:

  Django.contrib Import totanus.journal.models from import .syndication.views entry, photo, post, quote class latest entredged feed (feed): title = "RSS feed" link = "/ journal /" description = "journal RSS" def item ): Return Entry.objects.order_by ('- date_pub') [: 10] def item_title (auto, item): # if kid post retire No item. Post.title # This is not working, of course ...  

Should I manage a custom view-template set that is to create RSS and syndication or this sub- Is there a way to use feed structures with classified models?

You have two options:

  1. on the feed class Use the title_template and description_template attributes, which indicate templates that can handle a lot of generic input variables.

  2. Re-create your template logic in the feed class ways so that your template variable can get a generalized piece of data.

Either one will take you to the same end point.


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