asp classic - Web application structure -

I had always had a problem in structuring my web applications when I was learning PHP in college, so a teacher PHP In the separate file used in HTML and after that he placed the PHP file on top.

Base Directory - Default.asp - General - normal processing. Esp - normal function. ASP - Database Connection Esp - Main.css - Pages - Layout --- PageTestPageOn Asp - Being HTML --- PageTestPageTive ASP - Processing --- PageTestPageOn Asp - Being ASP --- PageTestPageTwo.asp

Many thanks, J

Your composition looks OK is . At my last job we had a very similar structure for a classic ASP site.

One thing we have differentiated, name all the modules .inc to separate them from the base page (default asp in your example).

By maintaining this structure you also make a specific specific version of your site - or even a clone or spin-off.


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