erlang - lists:keyfind problems -

I can not get lists for my life: I want to work as expected in Erlang Keys.

I have the following accomplished tests:

  should_find_key_test () - & gt; NewList = List: Keystore ("key", 1, [], {"key", "value"}), value = list of cases: wrong - ("key", 1, newlive) false - & gt; did not get; {_key, _value} - & gt; _value end,? DebugVal (value)  

Whenever I run this test, I get the following error message:

Indesthest: should_find_key_test (module 'indestruct'). . Failure :: Error: Adds keyfind / 3 to keyfind ("key", 1, [{"key", "value"}] in the function lists: Should_find_key_test / 0

Can anyone see what I'm doing?

Is it saying that the list: Keyfind does not exist anymore?

Lists: Keyfind / 3 was started in FTP / R13A. I suspect that you are using the old version .. Before R13A you will use lists: the searcher / 3 is found in the same tulle, but the returned data is made slightly different.

  should_find_key_test () -> & gt; NewList = List: Keystars ("key", 1, [], {"key", "value"}), values ​​= case lists: false of search key ("key", 1, newlive) - & gt; did not get; {Value {_Key, _Value}} - & gt; _Value end ,? DebugVal (value)  

Keydid / 3 BIF is being added to STDiBB version 1.6. Check your STDLB version.


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