Internet Explorer buggy when accessing a custom weblogic provider -

I version've created a custom Weblogic security certification provider 103 that includes a custom login modules for users to validate . As part of the provider, I've implemented ServletAuthenticationFilter and acts as a common log onto a filter added page for all applications within the filter domain.

When we reach them to any secure URL from entering the address bar, this works fine in IE and Firefox. But when we bookmark the link in IE then there is a strange thing. If I click on the bookmark, then you will see our logs on the page, after you have successfully logged into the system will display the original authentication page, even if the user is already authenticated. This never happens in Firefox, IE is also intermittent, 1 will be redirected correctly in 1 time of 5 and will not show the original proof window. Firefox and Opera have all the time been correct redirect manner we capture the response headers and success and has been compared to the setbacks, they are identical

  Last Boolean isAuthenticated = authenticateUser (username, Password, request). // Send the user to the original URL if (ethernetic) {res.sendRedirect (targetURL); Return; }  

As you can see, once the user is certified, I redirect to the original URL. Am I missing a step? authenticateUser () method is taken verbatim from an example in documents of Oracle

  private boolean authenticateUser (final String username, final String password, HttpServletRequest request) {boolean results. {ServletAuthenticationklogin (New CallbackHandler () {@Override public void handle (Callback [] callbacks) try (IOException for callback callback, UnsupportedCallbackException throws {: callback) {(NameCallback Instanceof callback if) {NameCallback nameCallback = (NameCallback) Callback; NameCallback.setName (userName);} if (Callback instance of passwordcaleback) {passwordcallback passwordcallbackbackback = (passwordcalebackback) callback; passwordcallback .custom password (password. Coachere);}}}}, request); Result = true; } Catch (login option e) {result = false; } Return results;  

I am asking questions here because I do not know whether the problem is with weblogic config or code. If this question is more suitable for serverflight, please let me know and I will post it there.

It's weird that it works in Firefox and Opera every time, but not in Internet Explorer. I believe it was an option not to use Internet Explorer, but currently this company is standard. Any help or direction will be appreciated I have tested against IE 6 & amp; amp; 8 and custom provider on 3 different environments and I still can reproduce the bug.

We figured out.

fix could lose was to disable the Eighth cookies on Veblogik server a few reasons why Internet Explorer cookie that was being disconnected session that the Veblogik. This is the reason for motivating the original authorized login.

We still do not know why the cookie has to lose the cookie, but this provider is for an intranet so that fix does not harm our overall security.

I hope it helps someone else.


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