c# - Can I get the item type from a BindingSource? -

I want to get the type of item that is tilted to a BindingSource or is configured for. BindingSource.DataSource property can be set on an item, list, or type. If this is a type, it's clearly not a bound item yet, but I still want to get the type. For the list, I do not need item type, list type.

I currently have a custom list type for a business listing, which implements the IILITIT type-type interface, which I had created to solve this problem some time ago. I now want to get this work in a more normal fashion so that it will work with any list.

I have seen a good way to do this through the API docs, but by now I have not done any luck. I'm doing some reduction or could it just be something I should not be doing or not?

"itemprop =" text ">

I ran recently

System.Windows.Forms.ListBindingHelper. GetListItemType () and GetListItemProperties ()

This class is everything that I was looking for.


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