c++ - DirectX 10 Resource Leak -

At the end of my DirectX application, "Direct 3D device has zero-zero reference number, which means that some objects were not

Released. " The application is large and is not written by me, how can I go about debugging resources I'm not leaking?

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The first step That's to stop using directX debug DLL. (IIRC, when you install DirectX SDK, there are optional items, so you may need to install them.)

When you run your application the next time, DirectX leaks you Should be given more information about Specifically, you want to look for such a line:

  D3DX: set HKLM \ Software \ Microsoft \ Direct3D \ D3DXBreakOnAllocId = 0x1c17 Debug Allocation ID ^^^^^ ^   

Or, like this:

  Direct3D9: (warning): memory address: 00,385,580 lAllocID = 1 dwSize = 000047f8, (PID = 00,000,474) Allocation ID ^  

Once you have an allocation ID, you can set the Break AllocID setting in the DirectX control panel, in your program During that allocation If you are allocated this, then you can tell DirectX to break (or by setting the registry key listed above).

Again, to see what is included in the DirectX call, to check the callstack.


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