iphone - Using same name for Core Data object as a Private Framework Object -

I get the application on the basis of a core data for the iPhone and I'm getting the following warning:

< pre> ObjC [2472]: class property implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Notes.framework/Notes and /var/mobile/Applications/B69194FF-448F-48AD-A78D-DDB8935F/AmcCalc.app/ Goes AmcCalc One of the two will be used. Which is an undefined

When I started working on this application Come back with SDK 3.0 I do not get this error, how do I present this with?

Thank you! Bijern

This is a naming collision

as well as the flexibility provided by the runtime bindings Needs a global name space. This means that the name of any symbol in the app can collide with any other symbol. Symbols for class characteristics are classified as part of their internal name, so they rarely collide. More often you have been missing from the two classes with the same name

In this case you have the same name as the class notes Framework source app if I correct the error format manner so this is most likely "property" is the class (it can also say that you have a class a property is defined twice.) as

best practice, your classes Name or your vibration with a suffix Neue or unique prefix for the person. For example, if you release the software under Beyon Geez software, then you can use "BGS". Then:

  @interface PropertyBGS: ... // new style @interface BGSProperty: ... // Old Style  

Better yet, make Avoid any name related to your class name, more descriptive and reserved word or common programming terminology

For example, if you were writing a real estate application, then you could call "property" one class name To use as a real construction but the model will be examined for the "property" itself up In this you know that the name should be made more unique and descriptive such as:

  @interface RealEstatePropertyBGS: ... // New style @ interses BGSREST property: ... // old style < / Code> 

This not only stops the calling of calling, but also makes the code more readable and self documented.


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