mvc - Entity Framework not populating context -

I am starting with the discovery of some unit structure, I thought it was time that everyone was complaining Were. I am running on an issue where the institutions do not return any object reference. I have created the model with three tables from one database that link to each other.

  Course Instructor Trainee  

As relationships you are expecting: One course is related to multiple CanTeach entities and an instructor is also from many CanTeach institutions Can relate to I have added an Odata service in my project which also uses the same model. That's why I can run a question like

  in the connector where a.Instructor.FirstName == "Barry" new {name = a.Instructor.FirstName + "" + a.Instructor.LastName Select, Course = a.Course.Name}  

Using LINQPad without OData endpoint against the endpoint. However, when I do a simple query

  public trainer GetInstructorFromID (int id) {return reference.Enstrator. Where (i = & gt; == ID). FirstOrDefault (); }  

The CanTeach list is empty. I know everything in the EF is lazy and it is possible that from my reference time I see the context of the object, although the object is trying to get the reference, as soon as the result of the query results and the empty object Context .

What am I doing?


In addition to the response below I found that

return reference. "CanTeach"). Where (i = & gt; == ID). Before and after default ();

Worked for people looking for a fluent API.

Include one word from the kantak

 . Include in ("trainer") where a. Diff. First name == "Barry" new {name = A.Extension: choose first name "" + +Instructor.LastName, course = a.Course.Name}  


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