video - Differences between iPhone/iPod Simulator and Devices -

Since I started developing iPod / iPod I have come between some differences between the simulator and the response of the actual device. Maybe I will have to go through some other disagreements, I have to understand this, maybe other people have not met these problems here and can benefit from knowledge, and maybe you know some problems / differences which You were

So that's what I came.

  1. The simulator is not case-sensitive, devices are case-sensitive.

    • This means that a default.png or Icon.png will work in the simulator, but not on one device, where they must give the name Default.png and icons. PNG (If it still
  2. Simulator has different codecs to play audio and video

    • If you use MPMoviePlayerController lets you play some video on the simulator, while on the device it will not work (simulator and ringing for the device Use handbruck-> preset-> iPhone and iPod touch to create videos).
    • If you play audio with AudioServicesPlaySystemSound (& soundID) you can sound the simulator here but no device. (Use Audacity to open your soundfile, export it as wav and run AfchenWart- f caff -d LEI16 @ 44100 -c 1. Oddacity output in output terminal)
  3. It is also a flicker on the problem of the second race that can be solved with a player. ViewCtrl.initialPlaybackTime = -1.0;
    Either at the end of the play or before each start.

  4. The simulator is a much more fast reason that it does not emulate hardware but uses Mac resources, so the Sio2 Apps (OpenGL, OpenGL, etc. framework) simulator The better the better, the more resources that utilize the well, will perform better in the simulator compared to the device.

I hope we can add something more for this.

Just to clarify your first point:

simulator Case is not sensitized, devices are case sensitive

Being sensitive to the case or in that sense the simulator is not a feature. This is a feature of the underlying filesystem. The file system on the device is case-sensitive HFS +, while the file system on Mac is likely to be insensitive (by default) in the case. If the application runs on case sensitive HFS + partitions, then this case will be sensitive, even when it comes to loading the file from the disk even when it runs in the simulator.


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