mvc - mvc2 host on iis6 : The incoming request does not match any route -

I have to host my project on iis6, I can not change the IIS setting on the server. So, I modified the world. as shown below.

If I add a default.aspx and browse the project, I get an error like this: Incoming request does not match any route.

If I did not add the default ASPX, I found HTTP Error 403.14

? Thank you

Public Static Zero Register Routes {routes.IgnoreRoute ("{resource} .axd / {* pathInfo}"); ("Default", // root name "{controller} .aspx / {action} / {id}", new {controller = "home", action = "index", id = ""} // parameter defaults) ; ("Extension", // root name "{controller} .expx / {action} / {id} / {sid}", new {controller = "home", action = "index", id = "", ""} // parameter defaults)); ("ForGoogle", // root name "{controller} .aspx / {action} / {friendlyUrl} / {id} / {partialName}", new {controller = "home", action = "index" FriendlyUrl = "" , Id = "", partial name = ""} // parameter defaults)); For routes. Margaret ("Postfid", "Feed / {Type}", New {Controller = "Product", Action = "PostFeed", Type = "RSS"}); }

Add a index.htm file, which It redirects the right page to one side: it does not need to launch a webpage, so it is possible for the first time to show the image or text when the webpage begins.

A fancy jquery "Loading ..." - I use in some projects:



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