css - Activating Webkit CSS3 animation using Javascript -

I to move a fully deployed DIV to press a button from one place to another on the screen Looking to use WebKit CSS3, by changing my left and right CSS properties, however, all the examples that I have seen have seen that a stable CSS rule has been used to implement this transition.

I do not know the new situation by hand, how do I implement this CSS3 transition dynamically?

After defining the transition, it will not talk about how to change the CSS value of the element You can. Then you can simply apply an inline style with javascript and the element will be animate. So with CSS like this:

  left: 100px; Top: 100px; WebKit-Infection: 300 MMS Easily In 100 Mms, 200 Mms Easily Drop In-50 Mms; -Moz-transition: 300 mms easily-in 100 mms, 200 mms easily -50 mms; -O Transition: 300 mms easily-100 mms, 200 mms easily left in -50 mms; Infections: 300ms easily rested in 50ms, 200ms comfortably in 50ms;  

is a function like this:

  click the function () {varel = document.getElementById ('mydiv'); Var left = 300; Var top = 200; El.setAttribute ("Style", "left:" + left + "px; top:" + top + "px;"); }  

And when you call the function you will see the animation. Wherever you want, from where you can get left and right values. .


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