css - Textarea 100% height in IE -

I use my & lt; Textarea & gt; How can I get the height of 100% and IE7 / 6? Elevation: 100% works well in all other browsers but IE does not want to accept anything other than specific values. Javascript is possible solution.

To achieve 100% height in IE6 for one element, Need to specify the height if you want to make the element the full length of your page, then apply the height: 100%; For both HTML and body elements

/ * 100% height of original element for IE 6 * / # parent {height: 500px;} #Child {height: 100%;} / * for IE6 * / html 100% of page length, body taken from {height: 100%;} #fullLength {height: 100%;}


I'm guessing That also applies to IE 7.


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