iphone sdk 3.0 - UINavigationController back button problem in landscape mode? -

My iPhone application supports first image mode, now I want to support geo-colloid mode also.

Everything is working fine in my application, except the navigation controller back button, I have used tableviews in the NavigatorConstroler, when I click the back button in the landscape mode view is popping and Its last view is loading but the animation is weird.

I have given the default animation, but the landscape mode is in the scene

Does anyone have to face this kind of problem ??? thank you in advanced.

I understand the problem and below is the solution ... in every view controller I am in Navigation Controllers Pushing should be the following representative method.

Each view controller should confirm that it is supporting the orientation change

  • (BOOL) should be theoretteTontactation Orientation: (UINPreference Orientation) Interface Orientation {Self.orientation = interfaceOrientation ; Yes come back }


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