javascript - using dojox grid in xpages -

How to use the doojos datagrid in the excise? If someone has a code snippet, please send it to me at - I'm trying with the following code, but I'm not getting anything on output:

  & Lt ;? Xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"? & Gt; & Lt; Xp: see xmlns: xp = "" dojotheme = "true" dojoParseOnLoad = "true" & gt; & Lt; Link rel = "stylesheet" type = "text / css" href = "../dijit / themes / tundra / tundra.css" /> & Lt; Link rel = "stylesheet" type = "text / css" href = "../djox / grid / _grid / tundra.grid.css" /> & Lt; XP: this.resources & gt; & Lt; Xp: dojo module name = "dojox.grid.DataGrid" & gt; & Lt; / Xp: dojo module & gt; & Lt; Xp: dojo module name = "dojox.grid" & gt; & Lt; / Xp: dojo module & gt; & Lt; / XP: this.resources & gt; & Lt; Xp: panel & gt; & Lt; Xp: script block id = "scriptblock 1" & gt; & Lt; Xp: this.value & gt; & Lt ;! [Cdata [megrid = function] (dojo.require ("dijit.form.Button"); dojo.require ("dojox.grid.DataGrid"); Var Saboro 1 = [{Name: "Product Title"}, {Name : "Value"}, {name: "type"}] var visible = {lines: [subway 1]} var structure = [view]; var data = [[["baseball glove", 12.34, "sports"] , ["Tennis ball", 5.99, "sports"], ["T-shirt", 12.45, "clothing"], ["hat", 12.45, "clothing"]] Var product model = new dojox.grid .data.Table (empty, data); productModel.render ();}; XSP.addBeforeLoad (makeGrid);]] gt; & lt; / XP: this.value & gt; & lt; / XP: scriptBlock & Gt; & lt; div dojoType = "dojox.Grid" autoWidth = "true" model = "product Udel "structure =" structure "> 

Please help !!

If you are running dominoes 8.5.2 then you open the OpenGL extension extension library You can download, there are examples of using the dosox grid, no coding is necessary :-):


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