ack misses results (vs. grep) -

I'm sure I am misunderstanding / defaming ack's file / directory, but maybe someone It can put some light on me:

  mbuck $ grep logout -r application / view / binary file app / view / share / ._ header.html.erb.bak.swp binary The file app / view / share / ._header.html.erb.swp matches the app / view / share / _header.html.erb.bak: & lt;% = link_to logout_text, logout_path, {: title = & gt; Logout_text ,: class = & gt; 'Login-menu'}%> Mbuck $ ack logout app / view / mbuck $  

while ...

mbuck $ ack -u logout app / view / binary file app / view /shared/._header.html.erb.bak.swp Binary File App / View / Share / ._. Header.html.erb.swp Match App / View / Share / _header.html.erb.bak 9 8: & lt;% = Link_to Logout_text, logout_path, {: title = & gt; Logout_text ,: class = & gt; 'Login-menu'}%> Calling

without just ack , the result can not be found in the .bak file, but calling with -Applified Options can get results as far as I can tell, however, AK .bak does not ignore files by default.


Thanks Below, the new content of my ~ / .rackrc is here:

 --type-add = ruby ​​= .haml, .rake --type-add = css = .less 

ack is strange that it does not contain

P> With no file selection, ack-grep of only those types of files Finds that it recognizes if you have a file named foo.wango , and ack-grep does not know that .wango file What is L < ack-grep

(Note that I am using Ubuntu, where naming controversy causes binary to ack-grep )

ack --help-types will show a list of types that support your ack installation.


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