mysql - Joomla - Joomfish Error Blank index.php -

After installing multilingual with zoomfish, I have Joomla error, I use Joomla 1.5.11 and Zumfish 2.0.4 I am doing How to find the result of an empty page error? Using Joomla default error reporting does not work. Nothing is still blank page with the K2 component installed there, please help, I can not understand due to error? [Error June 11 18:07:22 2010] [Error] [Client] Script '/ home / user / domain / / public_html / *. Php 'not found or unable to stat

Did you display_errors on php.ini Turned on? You can see it by going to the Help -> System Info and the PHP Information tab.

Also make sure that the Error Reporting site is set to maximum -> global configuration.

It looks like something is trying to include " .php" I search my code for " .php" (use grep or findstr) I will try and see if you get anything.

If your logs tell you which file and row is throwing this error, will help in finding the problem.


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