mysql - Writing a simple incrementing counter in rails -

For each card, I would like to attach a special number to it which increases by one.

I think I can do all this in the controller.

  def create @card = (params [: card]) @ card.SpecNum = @ card.SpecNum ++ ... end  

Or I can obviously be slow and perhaps the best bet is to add MySQL to an auto-commission table is the problem that the number is to begin with a specific number, 1020.

Any thoughts?

Personally, I will not keep that responsibility on the database or controller; Something like this in this model:

/ app / model / card

  assumption_nearn_ampaign: special_number def before_validation_on_create self.special_number = CardSpecialNumber. Next! End  

/ app / model / card_special_number

  def! Last_number_holder = CardSpecial numbers.First if last_number_holder.nil? CardSocial number.Listen! (: Counter => 1020) Back to 1020 End Last_Number_Holter.Cant = Last_N_meter_Holter.Contter + 1_Final_N_Holder.ave save! Last_number_holder.counter  


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