iphone - What happens if a user jumps over 10 versions before updating, and every version had a new data model? -

Example: The user installs the app v.1.0, adds data, then God submits 10 updates in 10 updates. After 11 weeks, the user wants v.11.0 and takes a copy from the app store.

assuming that 11 inside the app XCDTodel version, where *** 11.xcdatamodel is current, now what happens after the user is continually stored? Will the migration be 10 times, every migration will be step-by-step through the intersection?

Or is the actual migration of data (to assume gigabyte of data) once actually, after core data (or constant store coordinator) v.1.0 to v. 11.0? As I answered in my second question on this subject, there would be only one stay in the core data volumes.

The concept of do not understand. The model has no timeline; It will only work with a source and destination.

In your example, the source will be v1.0 and the destination will be v11.0. A migration


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