c# - Binding to a WPF hosted control's DependencyProperty in WinForms -

I have WinForms app, which are some elements that are hosting WPF user controls (using ElementHost ).

I want to be able to force your WinForm's control property ( Button.Enabled ) to a Custom DependencyProperty of organized WPF user controls ( SearchResults.IsAccountSelected ).

Is it possible to bind a System.Windows.Forms.Binding to manage a property by a DependencyProperty?

Since I know that System.Windows.Forms.Binding sees for InotifyPropertyChanged .PropertyChanged Events - A property supported by a DependencyProperty automatically activates these events Or I will be able to implement and manage the sending of the PropertyChanged events manually

DependencyObject , INotifyPropertyChanged , you will be if you adopt this way also apply to send PropertyChanged. Nu ts

Good luck DependencyObject is OnPropertyChanged method, so apply INotifyPropertyChanged DependencyObject generated category in your For example:

  Public class MyClass: HeaderedContentControl, INotifyPropertyChanged {Protected Override Zero OnPropertyChanged (DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e) {var Handler = PropertyChanged; If (handler! = Null) handler (this, new Property Changeed Event Case (E. Property Name)); Base.OnPropertyChanged (E); } Private Event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged; }  

I can not seem to resign Jaysmith's idea that the UserControl property may be bound to be the best way to take. MVVM is a better way in most cases. Exceptions are there, of course.


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