c# - Controlling form elements from a different thread in Windows Mobile -

Windows Mobile is trying to get a thread to change form controls.

Throws an unsupported exception. / P>

Does this mean it can not be done at all?

If not, how do I know about it? If the form is made in the original / main thread, then a thread is created to do some work in the background, but I want to make it so that it can update the background thread to update the form ...

< / Div>

You can not access GUI items on the non-GUI thread. You will need to determine whether a charge is required for the GUI thread. For example (here's something I did before):

  Public Representative Zero SetEnabledStateCallBack (Control Control, Boole Enabled); Public Static Zero SetEnabledState (Control Control, Bowl Enabled) {If (control.InvokeRequired) {SetEnabledStateCallBack D = New SetEnabledStateCallBack (SetEnabledState); Control.Invoke (D, New Object [] {Control, Enabled}); } Else {control.Enabled = enabled; }}  


  Public Rep Zero AddListViewItemCallBack (ListView Control, ListViewItem Item); Public Static Zero AddListViewItem (ListView Control, ListViewItem Item) {if (control.InvokeRequired) {AddListViewItemCallBack D = New AddListViewItemCallBack (AddListViewItem); Control.Invoke (D, new object [] {control, item}); } And {control.Items.Add (item); }}  

You can set the property capable (using my first example) using ClassName.SetEnabledState (this, true); .


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