architecture - Can I architect a web app so it can be deployed to either the cloud or a dedicated server / VPS ? How? -

Is an architecture quite versatile which can be applied to a cloud server or a dedicated (or VPS) server with a minimum change ? Obviously there will be configuration changes but I can handle the rest of the application continuously, keep a maintenance codeb.

The app will be ASP.NET and / or ASP.MVC. My Dev Environment VS 2010 is. Cloud, blue, or maybe not, can be dedicated or VPS Win Server 2008. Maybe.

This is not a public-facing web site. The web app that I have will be a separate deployment for each customer. Some clients will be small-scale, some would prefer to run the app on the local intranet rather than on the web. Other clients can like the cloud approach to the black box solution. The app can run for a few hours or it can run indefinitely, depending on the customer and the project. In addition to deployment scenarios, the app will be more or less similar.

As you can see from the tag, I'm assuming a message-based architecture, perhaps the most versatile, but I also use it wrong about this stuff.

All suggestions and signals are welcome about general architecture and specific solutions.

Yes, this is possible. The possibility of web app itself (MVC or web form) will be the same (with config changes)

Web app:


  • Session management: You have to use a friendly web form approach (for example, an in-store server side session can not be used)
  • Use bandwidth : When you employ on the cloud, the latency is higher than 100% on-premises That is, you pay even more for maximum bits which you send back and forth. There is $ incentive to create more economical applications.
  • Authentication Mechanism: If you want to provide SSO, you probably need a claim-based approach (to use WIF). This is something that you can differentiate and change (for example, on the basis of the cloud, Windows integrated security on-premises, claims) something
  • all standard providers (such as profiles, subscriptions) , Tracing, etc.). Everyone's victory is blue implementation, so you can change them.


  • The simplest approach to max is the portability to use SQL Azure which is one of the SQL Server Big (biggest) is
  • If you use any other storage system (such as WindowsZurf tables, etc.), then you have an app (very hard work)
  • in SQL Ezire (eg SQLL, SQL Broker) In addition to some available features, there are limitations on the database size (maximum = 50 GB). Therefore, if your customers have gone beyond the database, then you have to divide the DB (which adds more complexity, but this is possible)


  • If you use standard methods for logging and tracing (like System Diagnostics, etc.), then the app will remain largely the same. Your processes need to be optimized (and your script, etc.)

More information is available.

I do not know what you were trying to consider message queues, but there could be anything you can do (for example MSMQ for on-premises, Cloud Windows Azure Queue) You have to adjust for some semantic differences, but this is possible.


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