php - SoapClient throws Wrong version -

When I send down the request, I'm getting an 'incorrect version' exception.

  & lt; OTA_HotelGetMsgRQ xmlns = "" timestamp = "2001-12-17T0 9: 30: 47.0Z" version = "4" xmlns: xsi = "http: // www / 2001 / XMLSchema-instance "& gt; & Lt; Message & gt; & Lt; Message HotelCode = "123" Name of the Hotel = "Test Hotel" Chancoda = "321" ReasonForRequest = "Reservation Retrieval" RequestCode = "Optional" ChainName = "Test Chain" MessageType = "All" StartSeqNmbr = "1" & SeccnmR = " 10 "/> gt; & Lt; / Messages & gt; & Lt; / OTA_HotelGetMsgRQ>  

The request is converted to the zend code

  $ client = new zend_soap_client (zero, array ('location' = & gt; 'http: // url ... ',' Uri '= & gt; "http: //www.opentravel .org / ota / 2003/05")); $ Request = array (array ('message' = & gt; array ('message' = & gt; array ('HotelCode' => '123', 'hotelname' => 'test hotel', 'chancode '= & Gt;' 321 ',' ReasonForConstance '= & gt;' Reservation Recovery ',' RequestCode '= & gt; Optional,' Chennam '=> gt; Test Chain,' Message Type '= & gt; ; 'All', 'StartSack NMB' => 1, 'EndSENMR =' 10 '))); $ Result = $ client- & gt; OTA_HotelGetMsgRQ ($ request);  

The exception to the 'wrong version' throws up anybody that helps me solve this way

Looks like you're using the wrong version;) - You have tried


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