ruby on rails - Find tag by id using acts_as_taggable_on -

I am working on Ruby 2.3.8 and using the works_as_taggable_on plugin. This plugin generates three tables: tags (which have the ID and name of each tag) and tagging (related to tag_ids that are tagged items).

Now, I want to get all the tagged items with a definitive tag_id, so I go to my announcement model (announcements are tagged items) and I would like to write something like this:

  def find_by_category (tag_id) announcement. Tagged_with (tag_id) #this does not exist Finally  

But in fact I found that the only way was:

  announcement. Tagged_with (tag_NAME) #this works, but I do not want to search by a name  

Does anyone know a method to accomplish this, or at least, this How to modify the code of the plugin?

  tag = ActsAsTaggableOn :: Tag.find (tag_id) declaration. Tweaked_with (tag)  

After one year, I hope this is useful for anyone!


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