database - Implementing Transparent Persistence -

Transparently, you can use regular objects instead of databases. Objects are written automatically and written from the disk. Examples of such systems are gems and rockscocks (for general lispie).

Simplified version of what they do: If you reach and the bar is not in memory, it gets loaded from the disk if you click = baz , then the update to the foo object is on the disk. Most systems have some types of transactions, and they may have support for programs and even sharing an object in a network.

My question is, what are the different techniques for implementing these types of systems and what are the business dislikes among these implementation methods?

I have used such system (objectstore) on many projects, most notably a commercial credit A system to optimize the flow system, and the oil pipeline network. The question about implementation is very complex to discuss here, but for trade-off between such systems and relational databases:

Object DB benefits:

    < Li>

    Very fast - they can be 100 to 1000 times faster than the relational database for some queries. In fact, the risk system I designed (according to self-base) can not be applied to a SQL database.

  • Very easy to integrate with the C ++ code - no impedance matching layers are required

  • Compared to object DB, ad hoc questions are much, much easier and faster.

  • Approximately one million devices for database management

  • Many people experience RDBMS

    < / Li>

But of course, with all the devices, you do not have to choose one. The Risk app wrote the data imported from the Sybase database and the pipeline from Oracle.


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