Live Mesh has screwed up my file permissions -

I got a brilliant idea of ​​using live mesh to sync my development directories between my laptop and desktop machines . It appears that any new file to be added through Live Mesh is not allowed on the parent directory. Now I can not overwrite permissions on those files. When trying to do this, I keep receiving an "Access Denied" error, even though I'm running Windows Explorer as an administrator. I have two questions:

  1. How can I modify file permissions to allow them to inherit again?

  2. Does anyone use Live Mash to talk like this? Or should I use foldershare? See order to retrieve

Access to your files gives you access to your files Depending on the situation, the command may need to be used.

In my experience, Windows Live Mash does not synchronize files between multiple user accounts. The Windows Live Folder Sync looks better this.


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