repository - How to get notified of updates to public maven repositories for new plugins? -

Is there a tool that lets you access public maven repositories (like Epache | CodeHouse | Jbys | Sourceforge Maven repository ...)

is not an automatic solution but you can use it to use in your project Will examine all the plugins and reports to be made and will display a list of those plugins along with available new versions Sending:

  [INFO] ----------------------------- ----- -------------------------------------- [INFO] Building - Organization. Parent: pom: 2.0 [INFO] Work-Segment: [version: display-plugin-updates] [INFO] ------------- - ------------------------------------------------- - -------- [INFO] [version: display-plugin-updates] [INFO] [INFO] The following plugin updates are available: [INFO] Maven-checkstyle-plugin ........ ........................ 2.1 - & gt; 2.2 [INFO] Maven-Clean-Plugin ............................... 2.1 - & gt; 2.2 [INFO] maven-deploy-plugin ..................................... 2.3 - & gt; ; 2.4 [INFO] Maven-JavaWad-Plugin ..................................... 2.4 - & gt; ; 2.5 [INFO] Maven-site-plugin .......................... 2.0-beta-6 - & gt; 2.0-beta-7 [INFO] [Warning] Their version is not specified in the following plugins: [Warning] Maven-compiler-plugin ..................... ( Super Pom) 2.0.2 [Warning] Maven-Duplex-Plugin ......................... (from Super Pom) 2.3 [Warning] maven -install-plugin ........................ (from Super Pom) 2.2 [Warning] Maven-Jadavok-plugin .... .... ................ (from Super Pom) 2.4 [Warning] Meowen Site-Plugin ............... ..... ( Super Pom) 2.0-beta-6 [Warning] org.codehaus.mojo: build-helper-maven-plugin .................. 1.2 [INFO] [INFO] ---------------------- --------------------- ----------------------------- [INFO] Successfully prepared [INFO] ------------- ----------------------------- --------------------- --------- [INFO] Total Time: & lt; 1 second [INFO] expired: Mon 01 September, 15:55:18 IST 2008 [INFO] Last Memory: 6 M / 104 M [INFO] ---------------- ---- ---------------------------------------------- ---- -  

To use it (part of the site) can be used, for example you can generate each night.

I was not necessarily looking for updates on the libraries used in my project, but I am interested in getting regular updates on some products that I am interested in. Are there.

For this, the best option is to track relevant mailing lists (mail or RSS) and announcements.


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