swt - Set Controls with arbitrary positions on CTabItem -

I'm new to SWT, and I need to control control conditions on CTABItem.

I have used the following code, but it seems that it has no positioning effect, it just adds component (0, 0)

  label User name = new label (folder, SWT.NONE); UserName.setText ("user name"); UserName.setBounds (10, 200, 200, 50); Item.setControl (username);    

You have to set the layout manager on the folder , example:

  folder. Saleout (new gridlate ());  

If you want to give a certain dimension to the control, consider giving it the layout data, eg:

  GridData gd = new GridData () ; Gd.height = 50; UserName.setLayoutData (GD);  

I'm not sure that items is in your example, but this is not necessary.


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