iphone - how to create table view who's 1st cell look like as selected? -

I have created an iPad app where the first screen segmentation view is. The image view controller in the table view and the details view in that master view. My problem is that when the app is initially loaded in the first cell of the table view, then the selected and related image should be viewed as a visual, should be visible in detail.

It looks like you do not need cell to see as a selected, but you The cell should be selected (to display the related image)

You should see this post

Here is the sample code

  - (zero ) ViewDidload: (BOOL) Animated {[uiTableView selectRowAtIndexPath: [NSIndexPath indexPathForRow: 0 in particular: 0] Animated: No scrollPosition: 0]; }  

Or if you really want to show the cell as like, you can do something like

  - (zero) viewDidoad: ( BOOL) Animated {UITableViewCell * cell = [uiTableView cellForRowAtIndexPath: [NSIndexPath indexPathForRow: 0 in particular: 0]]; [Highlighted cell set: true animated: TRUE]; }  


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