Using CMake with Eclipse CDT, quickly switch targets? -

I am using the CDT4 - MinGW makefile generator. Create project-> Share all targets successfully (a shared library), but it seems that I have to open a project settings page and type in the target, hopefully it is spelled right * or (b) To run installation from the terminal and to "build" the package target

I create a promising project-> target entry, but create ... and build ... sub-entries are gray-out

< / P>


Any pointers will be appreciated! For anyone else thinking, project-> create goals- & gt; Build ... presents you with the list of available targets it is only available (using Galileo) If Project Explorer is focusing .

Then, only this directory is selected (so make sure that your project is selected, unless you want to create 'src' for example. Alternatively, the project in Project Explorer Right-click the code.

Code :: Handles a little more unwieldy makefile by the way of the block, but this is Eclipse, finally.


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