how to create before update trigger in sql server 2005 -

Is there anyone, where I can create a trigger that will be executed before updating / deletion (and then the actual update / Is removed)? And how do I trigger a drop from a table?

Use the trigger to drop:

  - SQL server 2005+, leave the trigger, leave an error message if it is not yet TRY Drop TRIGGER dbo.TrigerYourTable start end capture catch capture end --grip Trigger pre-SQL Server 2005, no error message if it does not exist yet, Then exists (select from sysobjects * where id = object_id (n '[dbo]. [TrigerYourTable]') and OBJECTPROPERTY (ID, N'IsTrigger ') = 1) Drop Trigger [DBO]. [TrigerYourTable] Go  

OP in a comment:

... Suppose i have a child number Perticular user if he has more than 5 users Do not update. What can I do that instead of using triggers?

You do not really need to stop the original update, you do this, and then check the trigger for the problem and rollback if necessary. There are ways to apply the argument to one or several affected rows, when you have to add the following to determine the hair number of the affected rows:

  - trigger Create NOCOUNT as Update, if the TRIGGER dbo.TrigerYourTable is created on dbo.YourTable exists (select 1 in I select Internal Join YourChildrenTable C on the i.ParentID = c.ParentID i.ParentID having group of COUNT (I.ParentID)> 5) RACOR (no more than 'children's count 5') If the logic is violated and the original order will be subject to a rollback,  

if childcout

/ Code> If there is a column within the affected table, then use a trigger like this to apply the logic:

  - Create trigger as set on the NOCOUNT set as TRIGGER dbo Create dbo.YourTable on TigerYourTable exists (select where childcount & gt1 join; 5) Start RAISERROR ('Children's calculation Max. You can not be 5 ', 16,1) Go back to the ROLLBACK return  

You just want to disregard the update for any violation rule of this line:

  - Create triggers TRIGGER dbo.TrigerYourTable on dbo List all the columns except your Tablet INK ..., PK column of updates as set notes on set UPTATE Y set col1 = i.col1, col2 = i.col2, col3 = i.col3! From dbo.YourTable y Inserted on joining y.PK = i.PK Where i.childcount & lt; = 5 GO  

This will only update the rows to a child by 5 counts, ignore the failure of all the affected rows (no error message).


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