Ruby Iconv works with irb and ruby debugger but not in a unit test -

I'm running Ruby 1.8.7, at Ubuntu 10.04 64-bit on Rebels 2.3.5. I've written a method that should take this type of string, "Ecole À la dekovart" and thus a file system name output "ecole_a_la_decouverte" :

( ('US-ASCII // TRANSLIT', 'UTF-8'). Iconv "Ecole À la Decovert"). When I test this line in my code, the test always fails to say that "cole_la_dcouverte" "ecole_a_la_doreouverte" . The strange thing is that if I use the debugger line and the debugger console to pass the test, along with it, this line is going on manually in irb and . / Script / console seems to work.

Does anyone know what is going on and why this test is failing? My only idea is to add more support to UTF-8 in any way, including Debugger or irb , but I have the disadvantage of finding out where I want to go.

Thank you!

This appears to be a problem with the locale - the same is seen in php where ( Sometimes?) Iconv functions do not work if no locale is set (which is also a locale).

See where low-level correction is suggestive, which will give you the setlocale


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