ssh - Can connect to EC2 as ubuntu user but not as the user i created -

I created a new EBS supported EC2-example and essential key-pair. I am now able to connect with this example as the Ubuntu user. Once I did this, I created another user and added it to the sudoers list, but I am unable to join the example that I created the new user

I get the following error I am using the same key to connect with the new user I created. Can anyone help me, am I missing something here?

  Permission denied (publisher) " 

OK I think that I have come to know this.

The first technique is login by password. It is a thought that log in as Ubuntu user or as root user and go to / etc / ssh / sshd_config Turn on password authentication in Ya and reload /etc/init.d/ssh

If you try to connect now, then you have ec2 with that user It is actually not safe.

Secondly, you make a key pair and copy the file to / home / New-user / .ssh / authorized_keys file and change the permissions for 600 and assign the appropriate user (new user in this case).

I found it surprisingly useful


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