iphone - How to Get Search Bar in Tableview to Appear When User Taps Search Icon at the top of sectionIndex scroll bar? -

I have a table view on the right with an indexed scrollbar that shows the characters AZ and a magnifying glass icon Is ({search}). All the letters in the scrollbar appropriately move the user to the relevant section except the magnifying glass, which takes the user "A" and keeps the hidden searchbar

I just go to the top of the table I want the search bar to appear when users will tap the magnifying glass icon in the scroll bar. I am totally looking for ways to do this, but I can not find the shame to add a table for the first time to search. There is a cell and its own section, which I do not like to do unless it is the only way. / P>

Thanks a lot!

Try it - I wanted the same type of thing, but first, hope it helps is.

In short, I put the search bar in the header view of the table view, then adjust the content offset to show it to {search} when it is touched.

Actually I was able to copy the behavior of Apple Apps, so when the search bar appears again hidden every time, it is necessary - I used to manage UISearcBar for my UISearchDisplayController To do this I have a small bit of code that was put into my UITableViewController class:

  - (zero) viewViewAppear: (BOOL) animated {[Super Viewer app: animated] ; If (self.tableViewContentOffset.y & lt; self.searchDisplayController.searchBar.frame.size.height) {self.tableViewContentOffset = CGPointMake (0, self.searchDisplayController.searchBar.frame.size.height); }}  


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