javascript - JSLint reports "Unexpected dangling" character in an underscore prefixed variable name -

I know that some people consider the presence of a leading underscore that a variable is "private" That is such a secret, which is such a myth, and this is the reason that JSLIInd has reported such names with an error message.

I am using Google Analytics on a web site which I am building in terms of GA variable, like "_gaq."

I am trying to clean my JS code 100% JSLIN (I am not religious about my coding style, and so I have to go to Mr. Crockford's lawyer), I said, Variables can not do anything about names ... So, I think I can not "clean up" 100%.

If I misunderstand the message, and can do something to follow JSLIt practices, then I post here.

Ah, I have handled this ... I wrap the statement which underscores with JSLI command Use to disable prefix variables, then re-enable this class error:

  / * jslint name: true * / ... with statement (s) with _var .. . / * Jslint name: false * /  


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