tabs - CSS class not being used on list item with styling -

I have a list item that is based on the inside of the Divine Container Style. I want to add a "selected" category to it, but this style is not changing. Firebug does not look in any styles from that CSS style.

You will see that I'm adding class = "column tab selected" to the first tab, but it is not changing anything.

To show that the style is not being added to the element, here is a screenshot from firebug

What am I missing?


  & lt; Div id = "columnNewsTabs" & gt; & Lt; Ul & gt; & Lt; Li id = "recent radial link" onclic = "column news ('recenthandline')" class = "column tab selected" & gt; Recent & lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; Li id = "Recent Conference Linked" onclick = "columnNews ('Recent Comments')" & gt; Comments & lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; Li id = "popular headline link" onclic = "column news ('popular headline')" & gt; Popular & lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; / Ul & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt;  


  #columnNewsTabs {overflow: auto; } #columnNewsTabs ul {list-style: none; Margin: 0px; Padding-left: 0px; } #Complete News Tabs Li {Float: left; Margin-right: 2px; Font-family: Tahoma; font-weight: bold; Padding: 5px; Limit: 1px solid # ccc; Border-bottom: none; } #Complete News Tabs Lee: Hover {Float: left; Margin-right: 2px; Art color; Font-family: Tahoma; font-weight: bold; Padding: 5px range: 1px solid # ccc; Border-bottom: none; Background: #ccc; } #columnTabSelected {background: #CCCCCC! Important; }  

Since you are defining a class and not an id, you Need to use the id selector # instead of class selector . :

  #columnTabSelected {background: #CCCCCC! Important; }  

should be

  .columnTab selected (background: #cccccc important!)  


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