iphone - Navigation Items in UITableViewController are not appearing? -

I am displaying a UITableViewController inside the UITabBarController that is being presented as duly:

< Pre> - (iBAction) arButtonClicked: (id) sender {// this is a suitable view controller ARViewController * ARViewController = [[[ARViewController alloc] initWithNibName: @ "ARVII controller" bundle: zero] autorege]; Leaderboard Table Viu Controller * LBVU Controller = [[[Leaderbottetable Wii Controller ALOOK] Init WhiteNIBN: @ "LeaderboardTable VUIC Controller" Bundle: Nile] AutoEques]; LbViewController.title = @ "Leaderboard"; ArTabBarController = [[UITabBarController alloc] initWithNibName: zero bundle: zero]; ArTabBarController.viewControllers = [Objects with NSArray array: ARVII controller, LBVU controller, zero]; ArTabBarController.selectedViewController = ARViewController; [Self-current model view controller: Animated Above Controller: Yes]; }

DeDload I am setting Navigation Items to the ArViewController method in my view:

  - (zero) viewDidoad {[Super Viewedload]; // Repeat the following line to preserve selection among presentations. Self.clearSelectionOnViewWillAppear = No; Self.title = @ "AR"; Leaderboardbatten = [[UIBarButtonItem alloc] initWithBarButtonSystemItem: UIBarButtonSystemItemOrganize Target: Self-action: @selector (leaderBoardButtonClicked :)]; Self.navigationItem.rightBarButtonItem = leaderBoardButton; }  

My navigation bar does not appear inside the UITBBR controller, but when I press the view I can see it.

What do I remember?

Hey, I've been stumped by this too. What you need to do is send it to the rootweak controller.

I have never used anything except on a main screen for a tab but the ur code will probably look like this:

After the ArTabBarController, selectViewController = arViewController;

UVIAGENTRELOR * NavigatorRule = [[[Organization Controller Alloc] Init Vibrant Vui Controller: ArtBub Controller] AutoEques]; [Self current model visual controller: animated new controller: yes];

Like I said I did not do it with tabber, but I am pretty sure that it will be something with these lines


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