jsp - nested <span> causes a new line -


I think is a jsp page included, span class = "requiredFieldsMessageAsterix" & gt; * & Lt; / Span & gt; <

Date of birth: <% @ is included in file = "/ jsps / include /requiredFieldsLabel.jsp"%> This works fine any new line

However when I nest it contained within another period here as:

  Date of Birth:. & Lt; Span id = "includeMandatoryDOB" & gt; Include & lt;% @ file = "/ jsps / include / neededFieldsLabel.jsp"%> gt; & Lt; / Span & gt;  

This creates a new line I have tried to force the display: inline, but I did nothing (as I expected). There is no other style in the elements

Is it on IE6, any thoughts? It works fine on Chrome, Firefox did not try but it is necessary for IE 6.

  • What are you specifying DOCTYPE at the top of the document? Try

& lt; DOCTYPE html public "- // W3C // DTD XHTML 1.1 // n" "" & gt ;!

  • Is the parent enough to display the container material without wrapping? (Because of Doctype, the IE can be in quirks mode and thus calculate whether its width should be done incorrectly and causing the wrapping)

You can select IE6 / IE7 To use, the IE Developer Toolbars may want to download

Note: It is usable to build demat strip in IE8 + and press F12


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