unicode - How can you print a string using raw_unicode_escape encoding in python 3? -

In Python 3.x the following code should be: str, not bytes because with TypeError < Code> encoded () return bytes and print () are only expected str .

  #! __future__ import from / usr / bin / python print_function str2 = "some unicode text" print (str2.encode ('raw_unicode_escape'))  

How you can print a Unicode string using By running print () ? I'm looking for a solution that will work with Python 2.6 or new, which includes 3.x


will work with bottom line 3.x It will not work with 2.6, attribute enters: 'file' object has no attribute 'buffer'

  sys.stdout.buffer.write (str2 .encode ('raw_unicode_escape'))  

I just use:

  print (str2 if you want the same code in Python 3 and Python 2.6 ( You can use  repr  2.6 and in  ascii  in Python 3, but it is not actually "identical"; -). 


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