zend framework - Register view_helper zf 1.10.3 -

Text after "div class =" itemprop = "text">

I think my name is named My_View_Helper_SpecialPurpose, this is the name of the class created in /library/My/View/helpers/SpecialPurpose.php Public Function is SpecialPurpose () This

Some HTML registers this path in bootstrap.php

$ view returned = Zend_Layout :: getMvcInstance () -> getView (); $ View> addBasePath ('/ my / view / assistants', "My_View_Helper");

When I specialPurpose () tring;?> In any view .phtml

this Trow Exeption

  Message: By name 'plugin' special Not found in the registry; Used path: My_View_Helper_Helper_: / my / see / assistants / helpers / Zend_View_Helper_: Zend / View / Helper /; DS: / www / zends / application / module / default / ideas / helpers / ps  

PS I have read many posts in StackAverflow, but a solution has not helped if it is possible So how does it work with Bootstrap and application.ini zf version 1.10.3

rename :

My / View / Helpline / Special Rep. Php

The following:

My / View / Helper / Special Parap.

That is, change the name of the assistant folder when adding a visual assistant path like this:

$ view-> ; AddHelperPath ('mine / view / helper', 'My_View_Helper');


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