.net - Instantiating ReportDocument on Windows 7 machine crashes app -

When I try to crash my report to a report - even when wrapped in an attempt / catch block It is only on Windows 7 machines (it can also be on Vista - I have not tested it) There is no problem with XP running machines.

  tryDocument doc = new ReportDocument (); // This is caused by crashing the app) Catch (Exceptional) {Console.WriteLine (ex.ToString ()); // This is never executed  

Specific DLL reference CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine version 11.5.3700.0

Any ideas?

We had this same problem. We have installed the full build on Crystal Reports XI R2 Service Pack 4 Client Windows 7 machine, and have solved this problem. It is my understanding that this "full" service pack is the complete install of Crystal Reports XI R2. I have read in a message board that CRXIR2 Service Pack 6 was required for Windows 7 compatibility, but SP4 was adequate.

The service pack can be downloaded from the SAP website, but they may need to register a login, the website is not intuitive.

The interesting thing is that we had a virtual PC instance of running Windows 7 and we could not repeat the error in the virtual environment. This was when we had created a physical Windows 7 box in which we had seen the error in the house.


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