Closure Library with ASP.NET -

Google's closure library looks like it has great features, but I'm just thinking that ASP.NET sites Someone has any experience of using both at once and what parts are there a good or bad experience?

EDIT: To clarify, I'm not asking about closor library and closing compiler or closor templates. For example, if I use the calendar control from the closor library, it seems that posting text to decorate text boxes can be converted into datetime after posting. While other ASP.N.T. A select asset will be exposed to controls, for example, in some cases where this incomplete unification is troubling, and in some cases, where the library provides control facilities which are compelling enough, it can be any quirks Is worth dealing with.

Closer library platform is an agnostic, it is useful with ASP.NET because it is with any other platform .

Closer templates (the second member of the Closer Tools family) is a server-side component that is limited to Java, however, it does not in any way limit the usefulness of the closure library.

For any production application using the closor library, you must compile your code using the closure compiler. To do this locally, you will need to install both Python and Java, although none of these is necessary in your deployment environment.


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