javascript - Map works, but throws a popup error at load complainig about wrong api key -

I think a lot of people have this problem, but no answer I found here or stackoverflow problem: Map Super fine works! But throws an error to load "This map requires a different API key ... Sign Up ..." has already signed up to, already went to get a key. A man on some platform said that in this case the map is being loaded twice, once with the wrong key, the second one with the right one.

URL: (This will redirect / projects, but I think it has been tested without re Ridayreshn an issue)

/ Div>

you have a head:

  & lt; Script src = "http: //" Type = "Text / JavaScript" & gt; ; & Lt; / Script & gt;  

You have in the middle of the document:

  & lt; Script src = 'http: // File = API; V = 2 and Amp = key = ABQIAAAAzeIDjGwdGYsF8CGZpljIvRQjXPkxaZ7e_nbTmqIHMenlLusIkxTmBUkmmGWmo0Lm6Gc4B-JEFsGcPQ 'type =' text / javascript '& gt; & Lt; / Script & gt; In  

The key is different, causes an error of them just open the source code of your page, press CTRL + F and type to view it "key".


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